Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Off Track

Presently, I am off track probably due to the stress of moving and all the emotions of all the changes. I suppose it is not much of an excuse but it is where I am presently. I am at times in more of a matenance mode and at times I am in down right cheat mode. I know I can not do this for long and I am hoping to find new resolve to continue on this journey as I know I still have a ways to go to get to my desired weight goals. It has not helped that I have been too busy to spend time on the forums where there are other who are walking this daily. I can see that the support and encouagement is a big factor in my being able to stay on track.

1 comment:

Lene said...

Hi Margot. Got your post in my journal and it was great to hear from you. Good luck on your move. (Where is Cheney, WA?) :)

Know the feeling about all the changes making a difference. I struggled since the end of Sept. On Oct 22, I finally resolved to starting over at the beginning with the basic KK diet. I'm down 3.5 lbs so far. So I'm happy about that. You'll get there. Don't be too hard on yourself.