Sunday, November 25, 2007

November 07

So here is what I look like most days when I am making phone calls. This one was taken in early mid November just before we moved.
I am feeling pretty good at this weight but would still like to take off another 30 lbs. The holidays are always a difficult time to try and loose weight so I am not going to be too hard on myself. Particularly since we are adjusting to so many new things as a result of our move.
This whole jouney really started in January with a new years goal making a conscious effort to work on losing weight this year. At the time I really did not know where I would find the will power. It took me till mid February to get going on an Atkins plan and it was not until June that I made some additional discoveries. I found if you cut your carbs to 20 or less and concentrate only on that at first the hunger and cravings ease after about a week. At that point you can begin to make lower calorie and fat choices without the hunger and cravings. So currently I am in a maintaing mode but will get back to a loosing mode soon. Over all I am pleased with the progress I have made this year. I went from a starting weight of 240 and am now at 173 with the 3lb gain during the extra stress of moving in the last month and a half.

Post Move Weigh In

Amazingly I have only gained about 3 lbs since our vacation in mid October and during our month and a half moving adventure. I do however need to get back on track and get that scale moving downward again.

We had a nice Thanksgiving - I did have some stuffing and a small baked potato.
I am trying to be conscious of portion sizes on the high carb foods.
Now that we are finnally moved I will try to dance around the many holiday temptations.
I need to create some suitable alternatives and post them here. Perhaps that will help me to get re-motivated.