Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Making Progress

I finally got around to putting together a progress report composit photo. While I have not yet reached my weightloss goal of I think about 130 I am making progress. I enjoy cooking and eating low. I watch my carbs and try to make lower calorie and fat choices as much as possible.
I also try to eat fresh foods and avoid foods that are processed.
I am finding a lot of support at the forum. It seems to be a resting place for many of us who have left the Kimkins plan due to much of the current controversy surrounding Kimmer and some concerns about people taking the plan to un healthy extreems.
For me the plan was simply a more calorie and fat conscious version of the original Atkins diet before the net carb revolution. Which as you can see from the above photo has worked very well for me. All in all I feel great - I have experienced some hair loss but then I have before when I have lost signifigant weight. I am confident as in times past that this will stabalize.

So my current goal is to get back to keeping track of exactly what I am eating each day. I admit I have gotten quite lax on this but have stuck to consistently eating portions and foods that I know are low. I have probably been a bit more lax on the fat lately putting me more in line with the Atkins plan.

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